Glitter Words

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Frozen Chocolate Yogurt Recipe - Chocolate Fridays

"I love Greek Yogurt and I love bittersweet chocolate" hehe.. klo dua2nya digabung???jadi apa yaaaa???pasti mikirnya bakal bikin a rich chocolatey ice cream. You would be wrong!!!

And so I experimented to see if I could make a chocolate frozen yogurt. thats i mean!!!
yuk dicoba,,bahannya cuma dua kok.
1 17 oz container 0% Greek Yogurt (suhu kamar)
8 oz bittersweet chocolate (dilelehkan)

cara membuat:
lelehkan coklat dalam Microwave selama 2-3 menit, setelah meleleh campurkan yogurt aduk hingga rata lalu masukkan ke dalam ice cream maker dan bekukan,,dan jadi deeeeeeeehhhhh...

untuk info nilai gizi klik disini

Enjoy the fat and calories you're not eating!!!.

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